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Наколенники ALTA SUPERFLEX knee protection pads – Olive (Alta Industries)

Модель: Наколенники ALTA SUPERFLEX knee protection pads
Цена: 117руб.60коп.
В рассрочку: 129руб.36коп.

Наколенники ALTA SUPERFLEX knee protection pads – Olive (Alta Industries)

Perfect knee protection pads from the Alta Industries. They are known and valued by the Special Forces soldiers, they are a combination of safety and an extreme comfort of use that is not seen in any other model of knee protection.

The patented AltaLock mounting system consists of two tapes and special rotary locks. The secure placement of the knee protector on the operator’s leg is ensured by the lower stretching tape and the upper tape that adjusts itself to the shape of the user’s leg while in movement.

The knee protection pads consist of a durable, made of plastic, outer overlay and a soft inner overlay that is covered with Cordura fabric. There is a thick foam located inside the protection pad that adjusts itself to the shape of the user’s leg.

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