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Пружина Tornado M120 spring (Tornado)

Модель: Пружина Tornado M120 spring (Tornado)
Цена: 28руб.80коп.
В рассрочку: 31руб.68коп.

Пружина Tornado M120 spring (Tornado)

The best quality steel wire, the same as used to produce piano strings, was applied in Tornado springs. Thanks to this thet are durable and accurately finished, the ends have been polished.Tornadoes are irregular pitch springs, which results in the fact that the system's lifespan is increased through considerable cut-back of the spring's mechanical wear.

Unlike many other manufacturers who either falsely or inexactly inform about springs" power, the signs on Tornado"s packagings relate perfectly to the powers which may be achieved in replicas after proper mounting. For example:M100 = 100m/s

Tornado springs are a great choice for every airsofter who is striving to achieve certain initial muzzle velocities; they are a perfect tool for every AEG replica tunning.

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