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5KU SS-8R Skeleton stock with 1913 mount - Black 5KU-327

Модель: 5KU SS-8R Skeleton stock with 1913 mount - Black 5KU-327
Цена: 283руб.20коп.
В рассрочку: 311руб.52коп.

5KU SS-8R Skeleton stock with 1913 mount - Black 5KU-327

SS-8R Skeleton stock with 1913 mount - Black

Light, skeletal stock for replicas equipped with a RIS rail in the stock mounting point (e.g. SIG MCX) The hinge and mounting of the stock are made of steel, while the stock itself is made of aluminum.

The stock has been equipped a cheek pad and a QD suspension assembly. The design of the hinge and the stock mounting allows the stock to fold both on the right and left sides.

The set includes:

- SS-8R Stock

- 1913 stock assembly

- Mounting screw


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