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Camouflage Paint - DDR Green [FOSCO]

Модель: Camouflage Paint - DDR Green [FOSCO]
Цена: 0руб.00коп.
В рассрочку: 0руб.00коп.

Camouflage Paint - DDR Green [FOSCO]

Краска для оружия премиум класса.

Объем: 400 мл.

Professional quick-drying paint to camouflage guns, vehicles and equipment.

Matte texture absorbs the sun's rays and reduces glare.

Color: Tropentarn Sand
Container: 400ml

Physical and Chemical Characteristics:
- Base: Alkyd resin
- VOC-content: Approximately 83% w/w
- Solid content: Approximately 17% w/w
- Gloss: Mat <5 at an angle of 60°
- Dust dry: After 10 to 20 minutes
- Tack free: After approximately 45 minutes
- Hardened/re-sprayable: After 16 hours
- Heat resistant: To 110°C

In order to wash off the paint, you can use nitro solvent.

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