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Трассерная насадка Tracer unit for tracer type BBs [ASG]

Модель: Трассерная насадка Tracer unit for tracer type BBs [ASG]
Цена: 201руб.60коп.
В рассрочку: 221руб.76коп.

Трассерная насадка Tracer unit for tracer type BBs [ASG]

A tracer unit in the shape of a suppressor for tracer type BBs manufactured by the B&T company. Tracer BBs type ammunition has photoluminescent properties caused by previous exposure to light or irradiation with UV rays. This makes them ideal during night skirmishes by perfectly mimicking the operation of tracer ammunition. This helps to correct fire and may improve accuracy.

The suppressor is made from metal, and is provided with a standard 14 mm counterclockwise thread found in most of the replicas of firearms which are utilized by the NATO member states. The unit runs on 4 AAA type batteries. The irradiation device emits radiation inside the suppressor that allows to instantaneously trigger off the effect of photoluminescence in the tracer type BBs. Due to this, the projectile upon exiting the suppressor emits light.

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