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Прицел оптический AIM-O 8-32×50E-SF(Red/Green Reticle) Black AO5304-BK

Модель: AIM-O 8-32×50E-SF Black AO5304-BK
Цена: 463руб.20коп.513руб.60коп.
В рассрочку: 509руб.52коп.

Прицел оптический AIM-O 8-32×50E-SF(Red/Green Reticle) Black AO5304-BK

AIM-O have a illuminated telescopic sight and it does an amazing job at giving you a perfect sight picture at 8 to 32 times with a red / green crosshair.

This robust piece tells solid and true, the sights will response fast to whatever the setting is; the red/green illumination gives a nice spread of powers for better adjustment to 5 levels of light. Windage, elevation, zoom, and brightness dials are all having large grip surfaces placing in proper and convenient positions.

If you happen to own an airsoft rifle that can shoot far enough to make use of this at 8-10 x, then that's good this is the one you are after. The 32X will help you see clearly at around 300 meters which is pretty much pointless in airsoft terms.

Comes with front and rear transparent lens protectors as well as cleaning cloth. 30mm type mounting rings not included.

Battery Compatibility : CR2032

Color Black
Brand AIM
Net Weight (kg) 0.63
Length (mm) 361.0



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