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Реплика коллиматорного прицела AIM M2 HD-1 Z Black Marking (красная и зеленая точка) на низком креплении

Модель: Реплика коллиматорного прицела Aimpoint M2 HD-1 Z Black Ma
Цена: 204руб.00коп.
В рассрочку: 224руб.40коп.

Реплика коллиматорного прицела Aimpoint M2 HD-1 Z Black Marking (красная и зеленая точка) на низком креплении

The M2 red dot sight replica is equipped with a fluent aiming reticle"s position adjustment ( with the help of two knobs ). Additionally, the shooter has got the possibility of adjusting the aiming reticle"s brightness in a five degree scale.

The flip-up type covers allow to secure the lenses during transport and allow to use a special aiming technique when one of the flip-ups is closed what significantly facilitates the use of the red dot sight in bright rooms and while strong daylight, at the same time, preserving the clarity and sharpness of the image.

The set includes a low mount allowing to mount the red dot sight on any replica which is equipped with a RIS rail that is 22mm wide.

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