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Реплика коллиматорного прицела ACOG type red dot - black [ACM]

Модель: ACOG type red dot - black [ACM]
Цена: 170руб.40коп.189руб.60коп.
В рассрочку: 187руб.44коп.

Реплика коллиматорного прицела ACOG type red dot - black [ACM]

ACOG type red dot

An ACOG type red dot sight replica, it is equipped with fluent adjustment of the aiming reticle (with the help of two knobs), a five-degree brightnesss adjustment of the aiming reticle. The aiming reticle itself is a red color dot. The red dot sight can be attached to any type of replicas under the condition of using a proper mount. Powered by 3 x AG5 battery (not included in the set).

The set includes:

- the red dot sight
- a 22mm RIS rail mount

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