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Реплика коллиматорного прицела AAOK106 Red Dot Sight [GFTA]

Модель: Реплика коллиматорного прицела AAOK106 Red Dot Sight [GFTA]
Цена: 124руб.80коп.
В рассрочку: 137руб.28коп.

Реплика коллиматорного прицела AAOK106 Red Dot Sight [GFTA]

A Red dot sight almost entirely made from metal. Durable casing provides protection from damage. Powered by a CR2032 battery.

The sight displays an aimpoint of red or green colour, each with several degrees of brightness. The user can choose from up to 4 different aimpoints. Two regulation screws allow for fluid horizontal and vertical adjustment. The lens is protected by a rubber cover.

The sight features a 22mm RIS rail mount. This allows for attachment of the sight to a practically every replica equipped with such rail.

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