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Страйкбольный пистолет CZ75 IPSC competition pistol replica, CO2, Blow Back, Metall (KWC)

Модель: Страйкбольный пистолет CZ75 IPSC competition pistol replica, CO2
Цена: 432руб.00коп.
В рассрочку: 475руб.20коп.

Страйкбольный пистолет CZ75 IPSC competition pistol replica, CO2, Blow Back, Metall (KWC)

A pistol replica by KWC, made from high quality, homogenous zinc and aluminum alloy.

Thanks to using CO2 as power source, the replica generates muzzle velocity of ~340 FPS. A noteworthy fact is that majority of the gas is used for moving the heavy slide. Thanks to this effective blow-back system the replica gives thrills during shooting.

The power source also makes it possible to shoot in low temperatures.

Use of adjustable Hop-Up system guarantees stable and long bb trajectory. The replica is very accurate and thanks to high muzzle velocity the effective range is more than good.

The replica is exceptionally heavy and solid. The competition version was externally modified by adding accessories for IPSC shooting: recoil compensator, RIS rail for optics and side charging handle.

The set includes:



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