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KJ Works Модель пистолета Colt M1911 MEU, черный, металл, грин газ KP-07.GAS

Модель: KJ Works Модель пистолета Colt M1911 MEU, черный, металл
Цена: 472руб.80коп.496руб.80коп.
В рассрочку: 520руб.08коп.

KJ Works Модель пистолета Colt M1911 MEU, черный, металл (КР07)

Длина: 218 мм.
Вес: 950 гр.
ХопАп: регулируемый
Система: блоубэк (двигающаяся затворная рама), газ
Скорость вылета: 85-95 м/с
Материал изготовления: затворная рама - металл, рукоятка - металл
Комплектация: пистолет, магазин, инструкция

The KP-07 model is an MEU based design replicating the M-45 MEUSOC pistol used as the standard-issue side arm for the Force Recon Element of the United States Marine Corps' Marine Expeditionary Units since 1985. It is essentially based on the original Browning M1911 pistol modified with updated features for 21st century combat with particular focus on improved ergonomics, control interface and the further addition of mission specified added equipment modules such as flash lights and laser aiming systems.

The KP-07 offers the same basic frame layout of the 1911 as a full metal pistol and as such it enjoys the same slim form grip with decent weight and good balance which many find more comfortable then the enlarged ones found on more modern weapons (making space for double-stacked magazines). In the case of Airsoft, it diminishes the capacity down to 26 compared to the KP-06 Hi-Capas 28 which is virtually negligible (as in airsoft weapons even the slim magazine is double stacked) .

While the CO2 version clocks in at 305 fps the Green / Top gas model comes in closer to 280 fps so both are similarly appropriately low power for short range use. The differences in gasses is that the CO2 kicks a lot harder, cycles much faster, fires much louder and the power consistency is dead level across the whole magazine use thanks to the large gas supply. That said, the reduced power of the Green / Top has version offers a reduction in wear and tear as well as the budget due to the common, cheaper gas it consumes. Also, CO2 capsules must be vented/used before putting the pistol away where as storing a has charged Green / Top gas magazine is no where near as dangerous or harmful to the valves and seals.


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